TRF Financially Supports an Education Opportunity

The Toledo Rowing Foundation (TRF) is proud to be offering to our BH Teams, Coaches and Board Members access to this wonderful opportunity of learning. The Foundation (TRF) understands the demands of coaching and running a successful rowing program. We all can learn from one another. We hope this opportunity allows our BH Community to grow, learn and gain new ideas that will help foster many new ideas.

TRF has purchased the Chasing Excellence: Junior Coaches Rowing Conference - Boathouse Pass on (Jan 20, 2024)

Description: January 20th is filled with sessions focused primarily on Junior Rowing all taught by some of the most experienced and successful coaches across many countries in the world. However, most of the presentations hold value across all levels of rowing. Additionally, there will be a slate of US Rowing presentations for Club Administrators & Board of Directors to help make connections in our quickly changing sport from insurance, finding/developing/hiring professional coaches, Safety & Safe Sport, among other topics.

Complete List of Topics:

Please contact us if you need direction on how to gain access to this opportunity. Step by step we grow stronger in our Toledo Boat House.