August TRF Meeting Minutes

Toledo Rowing Foundation August 21st, 2024


Mike Dibling – Chad Zenz , Mark Mockensturm, Chip Parsons, and Kyle Stanley in attendance. George LeBoutillier absent.

Meeting called to order at 7:30 Minutes –

The July 2024 minutes were approved Mike will see to them being posted to the Toledo Rowing Website.

Financials - Mark provided the financial update for TRF

Equipment & Rentals - BGSU - requests use of a 4, 8, and Launch. Board approves. This will provide fall income.

Boathouse Cleaning – A verification with the cleaning service needs made to secure the date they plan on starting. Not services have yet been performed. Mark will reach out to them.

2024 Regatta – Preparations are moving along smoothly and all needs are being met. Next meeting will be 8/27/24. Currently there are 25 (or more) entities that have bookmarked the Glass City Regatta.

Conference Room - Online reservation process in place and working well. No requests for any changes at this time.

Fundraising / Equip. Sales - George previously made the suggestion that we sell the shells and “Golden Pond” boat he donated to TRF to provide some additional funds. Getting some pics and info on Regatta Central and/or Row2K websites as well as putting them out at the regatta with “For Sale” signs are all options we should try to get done.

This concludes the TRF topics covered in this meeting.


 Meeting Adjourned @8:20 pm.  No September Meeting because of the Regatta.

The next Meeting will be held Wednesday October 16th at 6:30 pm

Via Zoom link to be sent by Chad Zenz within 1 hour prior to the meeting.